Welcome to civilization 3: Terrorize them, not us

Welcome to civilization 3: Terrorize them, not us

(Alagan Elavalagan, October 11, 2023) While the Russian invasion of Ukraine is burning with a large flame, here comes yet another Israel-Hamas fight with flames that have almost pushed the Ukraine war to second place. Come back in the year 5000 or 10000, and humans, the deadliest animal of all, will be fighting for something. […]

IMF, the Corruption Enabler

IMF, the Corruption Enabler

(Alagan Elavalagan, March 9, 2023) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was started in 1944, in theory, to build a framework for international economic cooperation. But the reality is not as honest as it claims to be. The true IMF framework is designed to enhance and extend indirect colonialism or imperialism. IMF has smartly been enforcing […]

Welcome to civilization 2: Rational here, not there

Welcome to civilization 2: Rational here, not there

(Alagan Elavalagan, February 26, 2023) On February 24th of 2023, on the eve of one year since the Ukraine invasion by Russia, China tabled its 12 points “position” paper on the war in Ukraine. American President Joe Biden quickly rejected China’s publication, calling it “not rational” for China to mediate since it has been supporting […]

Welcome to civilization 1: The world is not your baby mill, Canada

Welcome to civilization 1: The world is not your baby mill, Canada

(Elavalagan, November 23, 2022) Canadian Immigration Minister Sean Fraser recently announced the enhancement of the National Occupation Classification (NOC 2021) to open an express entry way to bring skilled and qualified immigrants of 16 new occupations to Canada. Under this enhancement Canada is planning to bring 431,000, 465,000, 485,000 and 500,000 immigrants in the years […]

Ukraine War: The Winners and Losers

Ukraine War: The Winners and Losers

(Elavalagan, June 29, 2022) The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 4 months now. No geopolitical war is ended on time, or on budget. Nothing is special here either. It is just another geopolitical war. Like the other wars, it will end with winners and losers, regardless of how long it […]

Crocodile Tears of the Hypocritical G4.5

Crocodile Tears of the Hypocritical G4.5

(Elavalagan, June 18, 2021) The leaders of the G7 met in Cornwall from June 11th to 13th for their 2021 Summit. At the end of the Summit they released their joint communique. The purpose of the summit and the communique was to identify the pressing issues and present ways to tackle them. But this communique […]

Why Civilizations Die: Knowledge Poisoning?

Why Civilizations Die: Knowledge Poisoning?

(Elavalagan, Dec 11, 2020) Throughout our known history there were dozens of civilizations that appeared from nowhere and then disappeared in ruins – all within a handful of generations.Tigris-Euphrates river/Mesopotamian Civilization, Indus Valley/Hindu Civilization, Yellow River/Chinese Civilization, Nile River/Egyptian Civilization, and Mayan Civilization are a few that come to mind. Similarly, there might have been […]

Is there a God? – Part II

Is there a God? – Part II

(Elavalagan, October 19, 2020) When it comes to the question of the very first living thing on Earth, even science tries to hide behind two insufficient answers. Science says the initial living organisms which appeared on the face of earth were microscopic single-cell organisms or microbes. Science also says those microbes appeared about 3.5 billion […]

America to Annex Canada’s Pelee Island?

America to Annex Canada’s Pelee Island?

(Elavalagan, June 27, 2020) If a Canadian heard that the United States of America is about to unilaterally annex the populated southernmost island of Canada as part of the United States of America, what would that Canadian feel? Not just a Canadian, what would an average American feel if his or her government decided to […]

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