AIDS: an American virus?

AIDS: an American virus?

Elavalagan, May 19, 2020 American President Trump again and again calls COVID-19 a “Chinese virus”. His March 18th tweet went saying “I always treated the Chinese Virus…” Then again he justified his “Chinese virus” terminology during a press conference on the same day. Again on March 19th he vigorously defended his use of the term […]

Democracy: By the Stupid, For the Stupid

Democracy: By the Stupid, For the Stupid

(Elavalagan, Nov 19, 2019) One of the excessively glorified present-day phenomena is democracy. It has been sold like a magical powder that would give any nation the best ever possible government over all other methods. And of course in theory democracy sounds smart, just, wise, and whatever other glorifying description one may have for it. […]

Weighted Democracy

Weighted Democracy

– Elavalagan, March 3, 2014 – Britain exiting from the European Union, or the Brexit, has reached the point of total chaos. In 1995, Canada faced a similar chaos after a referendum to separate Quebec from Canada was staged by the provincial separatist party. If you wonder why these democratically elected mandates drag the participants […]

India: Liberation from Colonialism to Imperialism

India: Liberation from Colonialism to Imperialism

Elavalagan, November 09, 2018 India got its independent in 1947; that was more than 71 years ago. India asked then ruling colonial Whitemen to get out of their nation, so they can self-rule as an independent nation. But one might be saddened to see how much India has achieved by being an independent nation for […]

America: one system, two countries

America: one system, two countries

Alagan Elavalagan, September 9, 2018 For some political powers, divide-and-conquer is the tool to rule. This uncaring approach enables the conqueror to distract the conquered, and to further weaken their forces if confrontations are induced between the divided parties by the conqueror. Carefully harbored and prolonged infights between these divided parties may even free the […]

Korean Solution: One Country, Two Systems

December 8, 2017, Alagan Elavalagan If we were to have World War III today, most probably it would start in the Korean peninsula. All the related parties in the North Korean confrontation know that. There will be no small, localized war here, if there were to be one. That is why both sides are holding […]

Dalai Lama: A Wasted Life?

Dalai Lama: A Wasted Life?

July 13, 2017, Alagan Elavalagan Even asking this question may give a strong heartache to some, though it may be a politically motivated one. So, it is better that we clarify the matter first. The question here has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama’s personal life; that has been a beautiful one. The question […]

I Love Terrorists

I Love Terrorists

By Elavalagan, December 16, 2016 From the individual nations to the United Nations, the message is clear: terrorists are evil! There is no second guessing on that, period. Every human of the world is expected to stand up against terrorists, reject them, and stop them. That is the expected resolve of a civilized world. But […]

America’s Biggest Foreign Policy Miscalculation

America’s Biggest Foreign Policy Miscalculation

By Elavalagan America is ready and willing to move production of its F-16 fighter jet, the Fighting Falcon, to India. And it appears India too is considering it. This move wouldn’t just be a move to low-cost manufacturing. Instead it would be a full-scale transfer-of-technology move. This idea would be unimaginable about 40 years ago, […]

Death of UN vs. Birth of Palestine

Death of UN vs. Birth of Palestine

Death of UN vs. Birth of Palestine By: Elavalagan, October 23, 2015 Which will come first, the birth of Palestine or the death of the UN? The United Nations (UN) as we know it today will not last forever. It wasn’t the first global organization of this kind and it won’t be the last either. […]